Friday 29 June 2012

Organisation Celebration Blog Hop!

The Giveaway is now CLOSED! Thanks to everyone who entered. The winner will be announced on Thursday 5th July!

Some of my wonderful blogging companions have agreed to join me in sharing their organising tips this weekend, so we're having a super fun blog hop! You should learn all kinds of things on your way around. 

Each blog has a letter (alphabetical, not postal!) for you to collect. If you collect all the letters in order, it will make a phrase. Email that phrase to me at jennifer grace (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk (or use the little envelope icon on the bunting in my sidebar), and you'll be in with a chance to win this fantastic prize:

Which includes over £25 worth of Studio Calico Take Note and October Afternoon 9 to 5 items! It includes ledger papers and note-taking stickers - lots of things to help the winner to get organised! 

There's two letters for you to collect on here (at the end of my post), but all the other blogs have one letter each. Just remember to email the phrase to me, to be in with a chance to win - any comments with the answer in will be deleted, as we want everyone to hop around to collect the phrase! Also, the phrase comes from a quote - if you can tell me the rest of the quote, and who said it, then I'll include a sheet of Studio Calico stickers and a sheet of rub-ons in the prize too (not pictured).

The giveaway closes at 11.59pm (BST) Monday 2nd July, and is open internationally. The winner will be announced on this blog, Jennifer's Jumbles, on Thursday 5th July. 

Once you've finished here, the next stop along the line is Clair. At the bottom of my post there's also a master list of all the blogs taking part, in case you get lost anywhere along the way!

So, for my blog hopping organisational tip, I want to tell you about how I store my papers

I'll start with my desk, where I have a tier of shelves that I use to store cardstock - kraft, white, and black at the bottom, colours on the next shelf up, and scraps on the one above that. (The top shelf normally has my small guillotine, my acrylic stamp block, and other handy bits on it, but I moved them off for this photo):

In my last post I talked about how I have chosen my top 3 brands to craft with - their supplies are kept in pizza boxes in this cupboard in the corner of my craft room:

I have a couple of extra boxes: Bazzil Basics Papers and October Afternoon, because I have some of their 'collection' bits that go together, that I want to keep all in one place. Once they're used up, the boxes will probably change to another brand. The two unmarked boxes are full of completed layouts that are waiting for me to buy an album to organise them into...!

Inside the 3 'favourites' boxes of Crate Paper, My Mind's Eye, and Pink Paislee, the supplies are divided up in clear bags, generally one for 12x12 papers and one for 6x6 papers and scraps:

And another clear bag for embellishments. Chipboard sheets stay in the packet they arrive in, as do things like clear stamps:

It does change a little between boxes, for example, Crate Paper also has a bag for alphas, and Pink Paislee has an old ice cream tub next to it that's full of ephemera. The main thing about them is that I have to make sure to pack it all back into the bags when I finish crafting, or it all just becomes a big mess!

My other patterned papers, that don't have a pizza box of their own, are all sorted by colour into a couple of files:

I don't worry too much about the colours being in perfect order, as long as they're roughly in the right colour family:

And each colour has two sections in the files, one for 12x12 and one for smaller pieces. Here's orange-brown:

So all my larger offcuts go back into the colour groups (unless they're one of the 'favourites').

Smaller (non-favourite) scraps go into the silver and black patterned gift box on my shelf:

I've got a tutorial coming up later this weekend which helped me to use up a lot of off-cuts and scraps!

That's all my papers! Occasionally I might keep a 6x6 pad on my desk, if it's new, or if it goes with a project that I'm working on a lot. But otherwise everything goes neatly back to its home!

What do you think? Anything here you might try to adopt, or can you give me some tips to improve my organisation?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget that your next stop along the way is Clair, and that you need to be collecting letters on your way round - from me you need to take the letters 'f' and 'i'. Email me the phrase once you've reached the end {NOW CLOSED}. And though you don't have to leave comments on your way round to win, we'd really really appreciate it if you did!

Here's the master list of blogs in the hop in case you get lost:

EDITED TO ADD- I have updated all the links below, so they will take you directly to that blog's Organisation Celebration Blog Hop Post!

Jennifer - <<< you are here!
Jo S. <This link was missing - Jo's letter was 'P'! 
Edited to add: I forgot to mention that all the blog hop authors are welcome to enter the giveaway too - they only know their own letter so they'd have to piece the phrase together too! It's only me that can't enter, grr!

Edited again to add some more - Jo S's post doesn't seem to be appearing, so I'll tell you that her letter is 'P'.

Thanks so much for hopping along! 

Don't forget that commenting on this post, or any post from this weekend, will enter you into the Grand Giveaway {NOW CLOSED} - but only if you've registered your interest in winning it here.

I'll be back in an hour with another post for you! x


Daphne said...

Great Blog-Hop! Thanks for letting me being part of it! Off now to email you the solution! xxx

Julie Baswell said...

Noone can say you're not organized! I only wish. I love the pink bags. My only suggestion would be to colorize the pizza boxes. They need pizzaz too. How about making a patchwork design with your scraps.

scrappyjacky said...

I wish I was half as organised!!

Patricia said...

Great organization- I like the concept of keeping everything in the brown boxes.

Abi said...

I like your organisation! Mine is very similar actually! I store my favourites in pizza boxes and then my scraps and other bits in colour sorted packets! Thanks for a great blog hop Jen! x

dragonllew said...

Great ideas so far
Jenny x

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Great idea for a blog hop :o) I found it via Clair's post. I can use all the help I get on the organisation front!

littlenat said...

Great blog hop - I've picked up some fantastic ideas! Thanks for the chance to win!

Nathalie said...

You look way more organized than I am. But once again, being a kit fan, I keep each kit into its own bag for one year. Afterward I spread the stuff out. My scraps all go in one pizza box that I purge about once a year and if I have any full sheets left from kits, they go into one vertical file holder... nothing fancy but it works for me!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Woohoo! Off to a great start. I have my paper sorted pretty much by color, with some additional files for style/maker.

Lisa-Jane said...

I just spotted the Fine and Dandy chipboard! I love that funny little collection that seemed to come and go in the blink of an eye. I keep my faves separate too.

K said...

Those files look fab! I order my scrapping papers in a very similar way to you.

Counterfeit Kit Challenge said...

Is it just me or is organizing even better than scrapping sometimes?


Jimjams said...

A fab hop (nearly complete) with some great ideas - thank you for organising everyone.

Lou said...

lovely hop Jennifer - thanks for the invite x You are way more organised than me, with no dedicated room i have stuff stored all over the house!

Annie Claxton said...

My scraps are all stored in colour families in clear pockets inside box files - only trouble is, I sometimes forget to use them and cut up a brand new sheet instead - doh! this event is SO appealing to my OCD side :)

Alison said...

Good Luck with the blog hop Jennifer...I'm opting out, as I'maway this weekend at DD's Graduation,and clearing her apt to come home!
Alison xx

hueisei said...

Great blog hop! Thanks ^^

Julie H said...

wow, that is some organisation! I mainly organise by colour (I'm very big on rainbow order) but I, too, keep my newer papers out separately.

Ana Laura De Romero said...

WOW Maybe the next year my WORD should be organisation... Great work..
I'm going to do the visit to the others blogs just hope to be able to form the word lol (my english again)


Lea Lacoste said...

that was a fun game, plus i got lots of organization tips! thanks!

Emily Mae said...

I bookmarked this post so I can go through the hop later, when I have time! The prize looks awesome. Thanks for the tips, too!

furrypig said...

ooh finally getting round to taking part in this fab blog hop I will be back to read all the other posts xxx

Sally said...

I would love to see your whole desk (think we have the same one). Am dead impressed with your organisation skills already!

Frauke said...

You are well organized ! Thanks for this blog hop.

Clair said...

Thanks so much for including me in this weekend's blog-hop. I've been working my way through the majority of your posts - and now I'm off to check out what the other contributors have to share! x

Sinead said...

Great bloghop - looking forward to travelling through all the lovely posts now! What a fab prize too:D Thanks!

Melissa said...

I've seen a few other posts on this blog hop as I've visited my blog friends - great job organizing it.

I store my cardstock & patterned papers together by color in drawers and it works great for the way I scrap.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I believe I love scrapbooking so much because it gives me the opportunity to organize and store stuff in pretty containers LOL. I hope you received my blog saying in your email inbox. That was fun!

Kirsteen said...

Another organisation lover here :) I love to sort and organise my stash. Now I'm off to hop :) x

Anonymous said...

I'm always re-organising stash - every few months it gets refined - so I'm enjoying all the tips :)

Norma G. said...

Great tips and I like the idea of collecting letters at each of the stops :D

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